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There are really only two ways to sell something, whether it is real estate, a boat, clothing, appliances, etc. The first way is by price. And, that is how most things are sold. But, unless you are Wal-Mart, you won’t ever make any money this way.


“But, wait,” my Expired Client screamed at me, “my previous agent told me that pricing my home correctly was absolute the most important factor when selling our house. Price was so important that our agents spent hours showing us what they called CMA’s where they compared our home to three other properties that had sold recently in our neighborhood. And when they were finished, they recommended pricing the home 10% above ‘market’ value. We were excited.  Who doesn’t like to hear that their house will sell for more than it is worth?”


“Of course,” my Expired Client continued, “the house did NOT sell. After a month, the agents told us that the “market had spoken” and recommended we lower the price. And, it still did not sell.”


Have you had this same conversation with yourself or your spouse? If so, you have landed in the right place. I can help.  I can help you because there is a second way to sell your house and it has nothing to do with price. The second way is by traffic. Traffic is the principle behind how auctions work and why internet sites like ebay, Bonanza and ebid are so popular. Of course, for an auction to succeed, you need lots of people, a good hook and plenty of money to generate interest.


However, I have a second way to create traffic, the kind of traffic that I think can get your property sold. And it has none of the drawbacks of an auction. To learn about my method, please take a moment to watch the video below.


To learn how your home can be sold by traffic, send an email to:  

Denis@  Put EXPIRED in the subject line. 


To schedule a "Q & A" session to discover if we like each other, send me an email with MEETING in the subject line.


And, if you are ready to talk, call me at 919-308-2292


I think this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship



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