Whether you live on the mainland or on an island, like I do here in Emerald Isle, NC, keeping your home fresh, modern and the best it can be is a continual process. More often than not, it's not a huge makeover your home needs but some small changes that make a big difference. Today I am addressing what not to do when you're decorating or redecorating your home. These tips are straight from my experiences as a real estate agent here on the Crystal Coast: what I see when I enter a home, and what my clients say when they are touring the home. the interior design experts.
Mistake #1: Overdoing a Room Theme Overdoing a room theme can be disastrous. It potentially creates a cluttered look, it makes a room seem small and it also diminishes any chance of having a cohesive, put-together look and feel for your space.
I am at the coast so I see a lot of beach themed homes. You want to aim for an ambiance that exudes a cool coastal vibe, not a bombardment of beach trinkets that make you feel like you're living in a beach souvenir shop. To avoid the souvenir shop vibe, instead of choosing beach elements for every part of the room, opt for a few key coastal elements to center around. Whether it's a color, a design element, or piece of artwork—let that be the focal point on which your room's theme centers around. Don't go overboard and overdo it. Instead, start minimal and stay there. Less is more and subtlety is key when working around a theme.
Mistake #2: Not Enough Lighting Here, at the beach, we love light. Light brings a bright, happy and more open feel to any space, so you need to make sure you have enough—and the right kinds of light. Natural light is always best, but when you don't have enough (or any) to work with, then it's important to have various sources and levels of light in the room.
You want to think about the lighting in your room as it changes throughout the day—and even throughout the year. You want to layer your lighting whenever possible so that you can adjust it as needed. Dimmers are great for this. Light levels also help you control the mood of the room. Other things to think about: the color of the light, the quantity of light, and the placement of the light to best suit the arrangement and function of the room.
Mistake #3: Poor Quality Furniture It's tempting to try and save money when purchasing big ticket items like furniture. But before you do, consider what you're really investing in. Is it something that just looks good but isn't comfortable? Is it going to last over time? Do you really enjoy the feel and comfort of it, or are you just settling for something less? Is it versatile enough for your room's space and design?
As my grandmother would say, "Cheap is cheap." Choosing well-made, quality furniture is so very important. Unless you're just going to look at your furnishings and not really use them, you should dress your room for success by choosing high quality items that are going to last. Don't overspend on a single extravagant item, but instead choose wisely and make the most of what money you have available to you in your budget. A good blend of form and function is the goal here. You want it to look good, feel good, and be a worthwhile investment of your time and money.
Here, at the coast we have several high end consignment shops and good quality, lightly used furniture can be had at bargain prices when McMansions undergo their bi-annual makeovers.
Mistake #4: Placing All Furniture Against the Walls It is habit for people to automatically place furniture against the walls of a room, thinking that it maximizes the space of that room. But in reality, moving the furniture inward and away from the walls creates a warm, inviting space for conversation, gatherings and a more intimate feel.
This is especially true in large, open-concept homes, which are popular here at the coast. You'll want to carve out and create the space you desire by using the furnishings in the room. One of the best ways to do that is by moving the furniture away from the walls and into groupings that make the most of the space, while also allowing for a natural flow of walkways and paths to navigate through the room easily and intuitively. The placement of a large area rug instantly unifies the furniture in a room and is one way to begin creating an central gathering area within the space you're working with.
Mistake #5: Too Much Clutter and No Focal Point This cirlces back to point #1. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Whether it's themed or not, clutter is still clutter. It's really hard to define a focal point when there are too many competing objects vying for your attention. The goal of any room is harmony and balance.
Constant checks of the scale and proportion of the furnishings in each room is important. A prominent element in a room can easily become the focal point off which everything else acts as a complement. Whether it's a fireplace, mirror, or piece of artwork, you don't want the other elements in the room to take away from the focal point. Don't be afraid to arrange and rearrange until the balance and harmony of the room is just as you want it to be. More than likely, removing an item from a room is a far better option than adding one.
I hope this helps you find some easy, affordable and hands-on ways to make your rooms the best they can be. And, if you need more help, visit my website at www.EIHomesforSale.com and request my free Guide to Living Where You Vacation or text your email address to: 919-308-2292.