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Writer's pictureDenis Raczkowski

Cycling: Houses for Sale in Emerald Isle, NC

Updated: Jan 23, 2020


I've always found cycling to be an awesome way to see and experience the natural beauty in and around Emerald Isle, NC while getting some good old-fashioned fresh air and exercise. And, one of the easiest and safest ways to cycle around Emerald Isle is to get on the Emerald Path! The Emerald Path is approximately 11 miles of biking bliss that runs from the Indian Beach town limits all the way to The Point at Bogue Inlet. The Path winds through grassy areas along Coast Guard Road to Loon Drive, snakes through wooded areas from Loon Drive to the Welcome Center, meanders through the downtown district and passes the Municipal Complex at Black Skimmer Drive and ends at the eastern town limits.  The Path provides an alternative means of transportation to key destinations in Emerald Isle, as well as providing an additional recreational opportunity in town. No motorized vehicles are allowed on The Path so it is perfect not only for bicycles but also open to joggers, walkers and in-line skaters.

General Guidelines

EVERYONE: KEEP TO THE RIGHT except to pass. Look carefully before entering or crossing the Path. Pass only on the left, and only when safe. Give an audible warning before passing another Path user. VERY IMPORTANT: Make a complete stop at all intersections. When stopping for breaks or equipment failure, move off the pavement to allow other Path users to pass. Yield to emergency and maintenance vehicles.


Helmets are recommended for all cyclists and required by state law for children under 16. Stop your bicycle, if necessary, to yield or to prevent an accident. Bicyclists must yield to pedestrians. Bicyclists may ride two-abreast only when safe (when the bikeway is not busy). Never ride three-or-more-abreast. Bicycle front and rear lights required when riding at night. Ride at a safe speed. When the path is crowded, PLEASE slow down. VERY IMPORTANT: Make a complete stop at all intersections.

Walking / Running

Keep to the right when walking or running on the path.Look before entering the bikeway or changing direction.Don’t walk or run more than two abreast.

In-Line Skating

Helmets are required, kneepads, and wrist guards are advised. Keep to the right so that other users may pass safely. Skate single-file. Skate at a safe speed. Be prepared to stop at all intersections.

Common Courtesy

Do not litter or trespass on private property. Keep your dog on a leash. Pick up after your dog. Respect other path users. Share the path.

Safety Information

For additional information on using the Emeralld Path please visit: and And when you plan your next trip to Emerald Isle, go to my website, and request my free Guide to Living Where You Vacation or text your email to: 919-308-2292.

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