The arrival of November means several things: Pumpkin spice donuts are in full swing at my Flip Flops Donut shop in Emerald Isle, NC, my wife is planning her Thanksgiving menu, my fantasy football picks are circling the drain and it is election time. I look forward to voting and I enjoyed casting my ballot in my town’s local election yesterday. Voting is hard work. It takes time to register and to learn about the candidates' views. On election day, you may need to leave work, stand in long lines or slog through harsh weather, knowing all the while that the chances your individual vote will make a difference among the many thousands, or millions cast, are pretty much zero. Indeed, I knew that the probability that I could be the deciding vote in the 2021 mayoral election in Emerald Isle is much smaller than the chance that I'll get hit by a car on the way to the Recreation Center where I voted. Yet, I showed up.
If I look at voting in those terms alone, voting appears to be irrational. Then, I am reminded of Roald Dahl’s unforgettable words about social change: “Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the world." One of my favorite people in history, Susan B. Anthony, reminds us, we must never forget the importance of making our voice heard: “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.” Stop and ponder that for a moment or two, if you are on the fence about voting. Then, there is Thomas Jefferson's historic truism: “We do not have a government by the majority. We have a government by the majority who participate." And I can harken even farther back in history, all the way back to Ancient Greece to get some advice from Plato himself: “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
So, yeah, I voted. Just as I’ve voted in every election since I was eligible to vote, casting my ballot in town, city, state and national races. I researched candidate platforms, I spoke to several candidates. I walked over to my polling place and I was treated like a celebrity. People reached out to introduce themselves. Literature was stuffed in my hand. A volunteer greeted me at the door. Only the person verifying my residence was solemn. After all, she is the gatekeeper and she took her responsibility seriously. It’s people like her who convince me that voter fraud is a non-issue. Then, after I voted, I was thanked profusely by another volunteer and I was ushered over to a tent for refreshments. For a minute, and only a minute, I was a celebrity. Who wouldn’t want to vote?
And, speaking of voting, over 1200 eligible voters cast ballots in the Emerald Isle town election. Over 600 voted early in Cedar Point, more than voted in the entire election two years ago. And, that is a good thing. I like to think some of that uptick was a tribute to the quality of the candidates running for office. And, for all the griping about development and stormwater runoff going on in our town, I wonder why the other 1200 + eligible voters didn’t bother to make their voices heard? And this upsets me. The more people who vote, the more we can hold the politicians’ feet to the fire. If more people voted, democracy would be healthier. If Wichita democrats and San Francisco republicans voted, races would be closer. Why should 60% of Americans live in counties where elections are decided by more than 20 points. Given voter apathy, is it any wonder politicians no longer engage in hard debates or even look for a middle ground?
In the end, the voters elected Jason Holland to serve as mayor, replacing the incumbent, Eddie Barber who chose not to run this cycle. Congratulations, Jason! Jason will have the good fortune to work with an experienced town council as the voters returned Mark Taylor and Candace Dooley, overwhelmingly, to new three year terms. Voters also selected Jamie Vogel as the newest town commissioner. As the third place vote getter, Jamie will serve a two year term. JAmie works for TransImpact in sales and marketing and I am certain she will put that expertise to good use as she helps steer this town into the future. Congratulations to Mark, Candace and Jamie!
And, when you want to learn more about the Emerald Isle, go to my website, and sign up for my blog. Ready to buy or sell? Call me at 919-308-2292. Explore the video tab for my weekly uploads to my YouTube channel. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and receive free donuts at my Flip Flops Donut shop. Text your email address to 919-308-2292 and subscribe to my newsletter. My book, "Live Where You Vacation" is available on