Hey, please don’t look at any real estate, don’t make an offer on any real estate and certainly don’t sell any real estate property without understanding what your mindset is. Your mindset will be the key to your success or failure, especially this year. That’s because for the last nine months, there have been suggestions, innuendos and hand waving predicting that the real estate market is going to crash, that the market is not sustainable. Some folks are calling for a recession. Whether deep or shallow, long or short, the idea that the economy is heading for a recession in 2023 is pretty much the consensus view among economists. Some folks are calling it a shift. Whether you love thinking about it or if you are sick and tired of thinking about it, if you have thought about a recession or a shift in the past 90 days, this video is for you. Welcome to another episode of Emerald Isle Vacation Home Specialist. I am Denis Raczkowski, the real estate broker-baker living the dream on the Crystal Coast. This video is not about affirmations. It is going to be highly actionable. There will be some action steps I recommend you to take to make this recession/shift optional for you and these are available at the end of this video.
These action steps are designed to get you into the correct mindset. For my purposes, there are two mindsets. One is desirable. The other is decidedly not. The first mindset is one I like to call the scratch-off ticket mindset. This is the most popular mindset in the real estate business. It's also the most popular mindset in any business. And, it is the most popular mindset in most people’s lives. So, what is the scratch-off ticket mindset, Denis? It sounds weird. Well, the scratch-off ticket mindset posits that life is a lever, a slot machine lever. It comes with a close corollary that says that I was lucky, maybe in 2021 or 2022. How many of you listening had a great 2022 or a 2022 better than 2021? How many of you benefited from the high sales prices in the real estate market these past couple of years? Now, the mindset of a scratch-off ticket person is to ask the question: what is going to happen next in 2023? And implicit in that question is what will happen to ME next in 2023? The scratch-off mindset person says that life is a scratch-off ticket and your job is to find some little tool, a penny or a dime and you scratch off the ticket to find out if you are a winner or not. And your entire life and your achievements are reduced or come down to chance or luck. This mindset treats you, your life, your business like a slot machine lever. You're just pulling the lever to find out if you are a winner or not. So you are basically waiting for the recession/shift because it is either going to come and ruin your life or, if it doesn't come, maybe your life will continue to bump along. But this waiting is scary and if you feel anxious over the possibility of a recession/shift, it is because you probably have a little bit, if not a lot of bit, of a scratch-off ticket mindset.
But, good news, there is another mindset. It is totally different. But it is more rare. OK. Mindset number two I call this the high agency mindset. This mindset means that you believe that you have personal control over what happens to you and your surroundings and your environment. I like to say in this mindset life is a joystick. A joystick controls the movement of a cursor, usually in some video game. so it is a stick that makes you happy. So in life do you have your hand on a slot machine lever to find out what is going to happen next or do you have your hand on the joystick where you are going to decide what happens next? In mindset number one maybe I was lucky and in mindset number two I was 100% responsible for my success. So if your 2022 was great, average, or below average, it doesn’t really matter, you have to ask yourself: do I see my hand on a slot machine lever or is my hand on the joystick? And the answer is going to inform everything you do in 2023 and into the future. And if you answer mindset number one, life will happen to you. If you answer mindset number two, you will happen to the world. You will decide what I must do to grow, to advance toward my goals in life and in business. So mindset number one is that life happens to you, that everything is down to chance or luck and you don’t have that much influence over it or what happens next. Mindset number two is that you happen to the world. And no matter whether the recession/shift comes or not, it is really important that you embrace mindset number two or you will be just riding the wave. Riding the wave is something I highly recommend when you visit or live at the beach like I do, but I don’t recommend riding the wave with your personal life or house buying decisions because chances are great, more likely inevitable, that you are going to crash.
Now, at the beginning I promised you that this video is highly actionable. So here are three steps you can do to get into and live every day in mindset number two. I can break down almost any challenge into three steps. Step number one is STOP watching and stop listening to the news, especially the local news filled with murders and dire weather forecasts. Televised media can be very powerful. It can and will pollute your brain. Just look at what Fox News has done to democracy in this country. Now, I didn’t say ignore the news. Keep up with the news by reading, by reading your local newspaper, the New York Times, perhaps Time Magazine.
Step number two is read the book “Psycho-Cybernetics'' by Maxwell Maltz. Maltz was a plastic surgeon with a large ego and he believed that if he changed the physical person he could change the person’s personality and behavior usually for the better. But, not always, and that was the key. A good many of Maltz’s patients continued to see themselves as ugly, disfigured, unworthy, or unlovable even though Maltz’s cosmetic surgeries had corrected their physical scars or flaws. Bottom line, without changes to their inner self-image, these patients still saw themselves as ugly, however excellent the cosmetic work. So, what did Maltz do? He went looking for the self-image and when he found it he likened it to an endlessly running movie. Neither the self-image nor the movie cares what is being projected. Neither cares if it is creative or destructive. Empowering or disapproving. Both simply form according to what psychological food we feed it. And, then, and this is the really exciting part, Maltz discovered that, as powerful as these mental movies were, they were amenable. The key, Maltz believed, was to access these mental movies and replace the negative images running on the patient’s screen with new, positive, affirming images. Indeed, Maltz coined the phrase ‘Theater of the Mind’ to represent a place you can mentally go to edit your mental movies, and change your self-image and, ultimately, your life. After all, YOU ARE THE DIRECTOR of your movie, of your self image.
And step number three is to go to www.EmeraldIsleHomesforSaleNC.com and sign up for my blog. Explore the video tab for my weekly uploads to my YouTube channel. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and receive free donuts at my Flip Flops Donut shop. Ready to buy or sell? Call me at 919-308-2292. Text your email address to 919-308-2292 and subscribe to my newsletter. My book, "Live Where You Vacation" is available on Amazon.com or at Kindle. I post weekly blogs and videos, on real estate, on personal improvement and life here along the Crystal Coast. Thanks for reading. See you next week.