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Writer's pictureDenis Raczkowski

Keep Your Beach House Safe and Secure: Emerald Isle, NC Houses for Sale

When you own a beach home in Emerald Isle, especially if it a second home, and it is not being managed by a property management company, you will want to protect it. Whether you live at your beach house full-time, part-time, you want peace of mind knowing that your home is safe and secure both when you're there and while you're away. So, what can you do? Here are some of the best ways to protect your home and your investment. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes.

Use Locks

This sounds obvious, but even the best locks can't protect you if you don't use them. Diligently check that all windows and doors are locked before you leave your home.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Neighbors can be the best defense against home burglary. This can be good advice if you live in a neighborhood with permanent residents. And, there are numerous neighborhoods like that in Emerald Isle. Working together to protect each other in your neighborhood benefits everyone. Starting up a neighborhood or community crime watch gives you an added means of security, knowing that your neighbors are keeping a watchful eye on anything that looks amiss. If you're going to be away for an extended period time, asking someone you trust to come by and check on your home is an added measure of protection for your home.

Secure Your Spare

Speaking of neighbors, give your spare key to a trusted neighbor. Don't leave it hidden on your property. Thieves have way more experience looking for keys than you do hiding them. Don't risk it!

Guard Your Garage

Most homes in Emerald Isle do not have garages. But, if your home does, and you are leaving your car outside of the garage, never leave your garage opener in it. Take it into the house with you.

Most homes in Emerald Isle, do have 1st floor entry or side doors. Make sure they are securely locked.

Protect Your Valuables

Personally, I would not keep ANY valuables in my second home or vacation rental property here in Emerald Isle or any other vacation community. If I live in Emerald Isle fulltime, like I do, I recommend using common sense as you would on the mainland. Keep your most treasured possessions as hidden and secure as possible in your home. Don't make them easy to find and don't keep them all in one place.

Lots of Lighting

Lighted motion detectors and abundant outdoor lighting make it harder for suspicious activity to occur without being noticed. Keep your doorways and other entryways well lit and easy to observe at night.

Consider an Alarm System

You want to make your home is as uninviting to burglars as possible. Most homeowners insurance policies give discounts on your premiums when you have a security or alarm system installed in your home. And let's face it, you really can't put a price tag on peace of mind. With today's technology, monitoring your home while you're there or away, is incredibly easy as many home security devices work in conjunction with your phone or tablet.

Catalog Your Expensive Possessions

Keeping track of what you own and knowing what's in every room makes it much easier to retrieve that information if something should happen to your valuable possessions. Whether you take a photo or video of each room in your home, make a list, or create a spreadsheet of what valuables are in each room of your home, it will be much easier to recall this information quickly and easily. How many of us can remember exactly what is in each room of our home without a little (or a lot) of thought? That's the point. Be proactive and make it easier on yourself in case of an emergency or break-in situation.

I've lived in Emerald Isle for over 20 years. Knock on that proverbial wood, but we have had only one "break in." Someone "broke" into our laundry room to do laundry. I say "broke in" because the individual had a key; she had been on the cleaning crew that cleaned our house for vacationers!

When yo want to learn more about living here in Emerald Isle, visit my website at and request my free Guide to Living Where You Vacation or text your email address to: 919-308-2292.

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