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Writer's pictureDenis Raczkowski

Ocean or Soundfront: Houses for Sale in Emerald Isle, NC

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

Ocean Front or Sound Front?

You’re thinking of your dream vacation home, that waterfront home in Emerald Isle on the Crystal Coast you’ve been picturing for years ever since your first trip to our beaches Close your eyes. What do you see?

Do you hear the slight slap of water against the hull of your boat as you bob gently in a quiet Bogue Sound inlet, fishing line cast far out into the still waters? Are you reclining on your dock, drink in hand, watching the sun slowly sink down over Bogue Sound, the sky transformed into a vibrant multitude of pinks and purples? Do you like to kayak or paddle board?

Or are you perhaps digging your toes into the soft white sand of a deserted beach at sunrise, watching pastel pinks and soft oranges announce the coming of the day? Are you nodding off to the lull of waves crashing and pulling along the shoreline as you bask beneath the hot sun of a cloudless blue sky? Are you taking a long, leisurely walk for an hour hearing only birds, waves and wind? Do you have children? Are you planning to rent out your vacation home? Do you enjoy being in the ocean?

The answers to these types of questions will be a good start in identifying whether you will feel more comfortable in a Soundfront home or an Oceanfront home.

The good news is there are no right or wrong answers.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Waterfront Home


One of the most important things you can decide when buying a waterfront home on the Crystal Coast is what kind of lifestyle you’re after. Are you a boater? A kayaker? A beach lounger? A surfer? An angler?


Choosing a waterfront type may determine whether you live in the heart of bustling activity on the beaches or whether you have a little bit more peace and privacy tucked in among the maritime forests. Consider if you’d rather have a secluded home or a more open place to live.


Oceanfront and Soundfront homes each have their own price ranges, based on their locations on the Crystal Coast. Generally speaking, oceanfront homes will be about double the price of a soundfront property. You may find additional expenses with each as well, such as HOA or condo fees, varying homeowners insurance and flood insurance rates, and varied property values. It pays to thoroughly do your research before you buy!

Soundfront Homes on the Crystal Coast

Soundfront homes in Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Pine Knoll Shores and Atlantic Beach typically face north looking out onto Bogue Sound, and at the mainland across the water. During summer, you will see both lovely sunrises and sunsets; in winter not so much. In summer the prevailing cool winds from the south will be blocked leading to more heat and humidity. In winter, the prevailing cold winds from the north will bring a definite chill to your property.

Many soundfront homes and neighborhoods offer amenities designed for boaters, such as docks, lifts, and ramps. But beware: take a good look at the shoreline before you buy. The southern shore of Bogue Sound, the part that is in Emerald Isle, Indian Beach, Pine Knoll Shores and Atlantic Beach, is EXTREMELY shallow, maybe a foot or so deep at low tide. Steer clear of shallow, muddy, or grassy shorelines if you plan to use your property for a dock or boat, or if you want to swim off your shoreline.

A better bet if boating is your passion, is to purchase a soundfront home on the MAINLAND, in say, Swansboro, Cedar Point, Cape Carteret, Newport, Morehead City or Beaufort. Here, you have direct access to theAtlantic Ocean via the InterCoastal Waterway, or the Deep Ditch. Plus, in summer, the prevailing wind from the south crosses Bogue Sound bringing you cooling relief from the heat and humidity of summer.

OceanFront Homes on the Crystal Coast.

Oceanfront homes on Bogue Banks face south looking out onto the Atlantic Ocean. During the summer you will see neither sunrise nor sunset. In winter, however, you will see both and they will be spectacular! In summer, you will experience the prevailing cool breezes coming off the ocean that cut the heat and humidity. And, in winter, the island blocks you from the cold winds from the north. Heck, I sit out on my dune deck in January wearing shorts!

Oceanfront and oceanside homes are also pretty popular with vacationers, especially if the house has a pool. And, this is a very important consideration if you are buying an investment home. However, oceanfront and oceanside homes are more expensive to purchase and since they tend to endure a bit more weather than soundfront homes, they are more expensive to insure and to maintain.

Lastly, oceanfront and oceanside homes are found only in Found primarily in Atlantic Beach, Pine Knoll Shores, Indian Beach, and Emerald Isle. This is a good thing as these communities have some of the lowest tax rates in North Carolina.

The Bottom Line: Ocean vs Sound Homes

The bottom line is that the home you decide to buy depends on your lifestyle, your budget, your location preferences, and your overall goals. Regardless of what you decide to buy, you cannot make a bad decision. Ask me how I know. And, when you want to know more about the waterfront debate, go to my website, and request my Guide to Living on the Crystal Coast or text your email address to: 919-308-2292.

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