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Writer's pictureDenis Raczkowski

The NFL Draft

Last night the NFL conducted its annual Player Draft. Unlike past drafts, held in large arenas packed with screaming fans, families, and players, this draft was held remotely from the Commissioner's basement with no one in attendance. Simply one more reminder of how COVID-19 has impacted our lives.

Much of that impact has been negative. A good friend celebrated his MBA degree with friends, friends who drove by his house in decorated vehicles and honked horns. A relative died and his body was cremated. The remains sit on a shelf in the hospital. Apparently, his ashes can't be dispersed until after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.

I can't visit my grandchildren because Emerald Isle now has a 14 day self-quarantine policy in effect if I go off the island and return.

But, life goes on and on. My donut shop, Flip Flops Donuts, is open today, as it is every Friday, Saturday and Sunday for take out and online orders. Are donuts an essential business you might wonder. Personally, I don't give it too much thought. But happiness goes hand in glove with sugar and donuts are a superb sugar-delivery system, bar none. Inside the shop, I wear gloves and use hand sanitizer liberally. My customers remain at least 6 feet away on the other side of the counter. I haven't taken to wearing a mask, yet.

In addition to my baker's hat, I also wear my realtor's hat. Governor Cooper deemed real estate an essential business and, again, you might wonder. Real estate is a people business, after all, or at least it was prior to COVID-19. However, much like the NFL draft, I am learning that real estate can be conducted in isolation.

More people are on the internet these days so I created novel ways to reach those trolling for real estate. I have a website that captures lead information from ads that I place on Craigs List and Facebook MarketPlace. To be sure, these leads are in the earliest of buying phases. But, so long as I recognize their "just looking" attitudes, I am able to create a relationship...all online.

I am working with a client on his listing....all online, too. Thanks to special software that allows me to 50 properties rather than the typical 2 or 3, I can do a comparative price analysis without visiting the property. When comparing 50 fifty homes, I can reduce the comparable data to three key features: square footage, number of bathrooms and number of bedrooms. Everything else, such as age of the roof, granite counter tops, siding, etc. comes out in the wash.

Like you, I cannot wait for this COVID-19 pandemic to come to an end. But, while the pandemic will end, its impact will be long lasting, maybe life lasting. Certainly, that will be the case in my real estate business. To experience what I mean, visit my website, and sign up for my blog. Explore the video tab for my weekly uploads to my YouTube channel. Text your email address to 919-308-2292 and be subscribed to my newsletter. Stay well and Stay safe!

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