Navigating the home buying process, from the initial "Honey, let's find a permanent vacation home for our family" to the final settlement table at the attorney's office, can be an intimidating process for buyers of property on the Crystal Coast. That's because many home buyers have permanent homes, elsewhere. And, for this special reason, home buyers usually compress the time frame for viewing homes and for making a decision on which property to purchase. And, because of this collapsing of the time frame, it behooves home buyers more than ever, whether local, or at a distance, to enlist the services of a seasoned real estate me!
Agents, like myself, can have our eyes and ears sleuthing out properties that meet your criteria while you carry on with your life off island. Agents like myself can provide guidance about where to live and how to finance your "spot" on the Crystal Coast. Then, when you visit, we can use your limited time efficiently and, more importantly, successfully. Contact me via telephone (919-308-2292) or email ( when you are ready to begin this most exciting process...finding that perfect vacation spot here on the Crystal Coast