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Writer's pictureDenis Raczkowski

What is the WDIR?

Most homes in North Carolina in excess of 10-15 years old will have some evidence of wood-destroying insects and could well have been damaged by such insects. The function of the WDIR is to report the presence of all visible evidence of wood-destroying insect infestation at the time of the inspection. The potential buyer factors the results contained in this report in the decision-making process —BUY? Or NOT TO BUY? So, buyers should understand what, exactly, a WDIR is and what it is not. The North Carolina Official Wood-Destroying Insect Information Report (Form No. WDIR 100), adopted by the Structural Pest Control Committee, is used for reporting the presence or absence of wood-destroying insects and their evidence in structures for sale. To issue this report an individual must be licensed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Structural Pest Control Division or work for someone who is licensed to perform structural pest control work. It is the only form that is legal for this purpose and is required on almost every residential structure sold. Therefore, it is especially important that homebuyers, lenders and other interested individuals understand the scope and limitations of this form.

By law, an inspection for wood-destroying insects and their evidence is the careful visual examination of all accessible areas of a building and the sounding of accessible structural members adjacent to slab areas in contact with masonry walls and other areas particularly susceptible to attack by wood-destroying insects. Evidence includes both present and past activity of wood-destroying insects visible in, on or under a structure, or in or on debris under the structure. Permanently attached decks, porches, storage sheds, etc. are included in these inspections. Outbuildings or other detached structures are not routinely inspected unless specifically requested by the client. In order for the inspection to be completed correctly, the pest control operator (PCO) must have access to all interior and exterior areas of the structure to be inspected. Paragraphs I through 4 of the "Conditions Governing This Report" on the reverse side of the form, will discuss the extent of the inspection performed and it is here that the PCO must indicate areas of the structure that were inaccessible at the time of the inspection.

The WDIR is issued for informational purposes and is required to reveal information concerning evidence of wood-destroying insects only. The PCO must report all visible evidence of wood-destroying insects and any conditions conducive to subterranean termites. Though sometimes referred to as a clearance letter or a termite letter. It is neither. The WDIR is not a warranty as to the absence of wood-destroying insects; it is a report of the visible presence or absence of wood-destroying insects at the time of the inspection. As such, it is not a "clearance letter," in that it does not necessarily clear a structure. And, it is not a termite letter. The inspection addresses more than just termites. Insects commonly noted on the WDIR include subterranean termites, powder post beetles, old house borers, carpenter ants and sometimes carpenter bees. Other, less common insects may also be reported. The WDIR also reports on conditions conducive to subterranean termites such as wood in direct contact with soil, cellulose debris under a structure, excessively wet wood (wood moisture content of 20% or greater than) in the crawl space and the presence of wood-decay fungi. Other conditions that may be conducive to termites include insufficient clearance between wood members and the soil, excessive moisture in the crawl space, construction flaws or improper grading.

The most important thing to remember is that the WDIR must be, as required by law, a true indication of the presence or absence of evidence of wood-destroying insects. The report should be obtained early in the transaction and be read carefully by all concerned parties, paying particular attention to the introductory statements on the report and conditions governing the report printed on the reverse. If damage is present, a qualified contractor or engineer should evaluate whether or not structural damage is present. Just as an individual is willing to buy a used car with a few dents; so a homeowner, lender, etc., must be willing to accept some wood-destroying insect damage in an older home.

Buyers also should know that a so-called "clear" report is not mandatory in order for the transaction to be completed. But, when a PCO finds evidence of wood-destroying insects (such as termite tubes or cast wings, damage or exit holes from wood-boring beetles etc.) he must report its presence and specific location on the WDIR. The report must clearly indicate whether or not the insects have been or are in the wooden members. If no evidence of treatment exists in the case of subterranean termites, the PCO may submit a bid to treat the structure. However, this is secondary to the object of the report, which is to report the infestation. The PCO’s job is to tell the client that the wood-destroying insect infestation is present. His obligation is then fulfilled. It is up to the seller or buyer to contract for a treatment if necessary. If a treatment is performed, a copy of the written agreement and warranty, if any, must be attached to the WDIR. Treatment options vary depending on the insect found, the extent of the infestation, whether a previous treatment has been performed and whether or not a warranty is desired.

At the end of the day, Just as an individual is willing to buy a used car with a few dents; so a homeowner, lender, etc., must be willing to accept some wood-destroying insect damage in an older home. To learn more about the WDIR and its impact on the home buying process, go to my website, and sign up for my blog. Ready to buy or sell? Call me at 919-308-2292. Explore the video tab for my weekly uploads to my YouTube channel. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and receive free donuts at my Flip Flops Donut shop. Text your email address to 919-308-2292 and subscribe to my newsletter. My book, "Live Where You Vacation" is available on

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